Catherine and William are enjoying a lively summer in the Norfolk countryside with their children

Prince George, Princess Charlotte, and Prince Louie are enjoying a summer at Anmer Hall, a historic estate in Norfol, where they can engage in outdoor sports such as football, cycling, fishing, and boating.

The royal family has passed down their love of sports to their children, who have enjoyed sporting events. The estate offers ample space for outdoor activities, including football, cycling, and swimming.

Prince George leads his siblings in spirited matches, while Prince William and Princess Catherine participate in competitive atmospheres. Cycling is another popular activity, with numerous trails and paths providing the perfect setting for children to explore the scenic surroundings at their own pace.

Professor Helen Dodd, a child psychologist, believes that watching sports can be motivating for children and can have positive effects on their overall well-being and mental health. The children also enjoy the simple pleasures of nature, such as chasing butterflies and collecting wild flowers.


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